Basic Inner Architect Addiction (6 online session)
Specifically tailored for addiction and recovery giving each participant deeper insight to 12-step program and giving them tools to implement the mindfulness process holistically.

Basic Inner Architect (4 live session)
Specifically tailored for addiction and recovery giving each participant deeper insight to 12-step program and giving them tools to implement the mindfulness process holistically.

Addiction Intensive
This is the basic Inner Architect plus an 8 week immersion
Class is once a week for 12 weeks total (each class is between three and four hours)
8-group implementation session to apply process and incorporate training into the four systems of holistic wellness;
Mind (Thought), Emotional, Spiritual, Physical

** All of our programs serve to better facilitate Inner healing and wellness that dramatically affects the individual as well as all family and all significant relationships in our lives.

You will work on issues such as Shame, Worthiness, Sex, Fear, Body Image, Addiction, Money, and relationships of every kind.


  • Do you want to dramatically change the way you think and feel but feel you do not have the right tools?
  • Feeling Depressed or suffer from shame, guilt, and confusion?
  • Do you feel life you are a victim in life?
  • Do you eat when you are emotional?
  • Do you feel stuck, or unable to change any aspect of your life?
  • Do you experience a loss of energy, great fatigue, or lack of purpose?
  • Do you procrastinate or hesitate to move forward?
  • Do you seek approval from others in order to validate your sense of self or love?
  • Are you feeling burned out or tired all the time?
  • Do you have feelings of self hate or self judgement?
  • Do you feel like life is happening to you and you are not in control?

The 7-Day Inner Architect Retreat Experience will change your life and set a new course for your life and for self discovery.  You will have the tools to build your life be design rather than default.
Create you life of purpose, on purpose.

Addiction Train the Trainer Coaching

Must have taken Inner Architect Basic