Accessing your Subconscious Mind and Higher self
How to create the life you want on purpose, Guaranteed!
9-Week Inner Architect
Includes 9 live streaming training session
Each training session is 2 hours
There will be a live Q & A following ever live broadcast
** All of our programs serve to better facilitate Inner healing and wellness that dramatically affects the individual as well as all family and all significant relationships in our lives.
You will work on issues such as Shame, Worthiness, Sex, Fear, Body Image, Addiction, Money, and relationships of every kind.
Because of the exponentially uplifting effect of working with the Inner Architect concepts and technologies over extended periods of time, we decided to develop a program that will enable all of you to participate in this life-altering experience from the comfort of your home and according to your own schedule!
Donna will end each webinar with a specific topic, and then guide a focused frequency and sound meditation. This will be followed by the opportunity for you and other participants to ask questions live and receive profound and liberating insights from Donna.
You will be encouraged to meditate with the Inner Architect technologies daily.
This 9-week program, each week will have a different topic designed to inform and instruct you on how to access your unconscious mind and your higher self in every area of your life.
Participant feedback clearly indicates the value of working with the Donna Root and her proven processes, meditations and frequency and sound technology over a longer period, such as our three and five day retreats. Using the 5 R’s of Transformation and the 7 Master Keys To True Personal Integrity along with deep understanding of how detected observation brings supercharged awareness and success to what you are now creating and how to intentionally create on purpose, guaranteed!
When you join this program, you will receive:
- A replay link to each week’s webinar so you can replay all sessions at your leisure, even if you are unable to attend each live class.
- An MP3 recording of each of the meditation sessions, including the sound bath meditaions
- Receive process PDFs for the 5 R’s of Transformation
- PDF files for 7 Master Keys of Alignment
- PDF files for Detached Observation/How to supercharge manifestation.
- MP3 of the live Q & A
Class 1
Creating Your Life by Design
Becoming Aware of our stories and how they are impacting our present moments as well as our future. What would you be without your story? This first class is an eye opening look at how we create support for our life not working.
Class 2
Awareness and introduction to the 4 Step Process of permanent change
Vibrational Pattern Release
This module we will introduce you to powerful technology that will help you eliminate hidden programs and patterns you are running subconsciously. You will learn how you are influenced by your own vibrational patterns as well as family patterns and cultural pattens and how to be immediately aware and in choice about what patterns to run on purpose.
Class 3
I am happening to the world, the world in not happening to me.
Owning my stories without judgement. Learning the Detached Observation System
Class 4
5 R's of Transformation™ and Dragon Slaying
Learn the mental and emotional process to creating permanent transformation in your life. While gaining insight on how you block success on any level and in all relationships including money.
Class 5:
The Hallway
Understanding the real reasons why people do not change, what are the real obstacles and how you can release resistance.
Class 6
How to create miracles in your life by Becoming The Observer
This 5 step process will re-wire your emotional and mental unconscious and destructive patterns. 6 Step Process of True Alignment ™: Learning how to manifest through alignment on purpose.
How the process of detached observation and developing the skills of allowing people, places and things to be neutral creates harmony and ease.
Class 7
Meditation for Manifesting™
The Power of sound and technology that assist transformational meditation. We are always creating through our thoughts and emotion, we usually do this unconsciously and on auto pilot. This unique meditation technique will supercharge your putting one vibration in the field while developing techniques for mindful manifesting.
Class 8:
Moving Your Body on Purpose
Science has finally caught up with what we have known for centuries. The way we move our bodies sends out signals that are recieved by a universal intelligence and matched with the vibration of you. This module we will learn how vitally important movement is in manifesting.
Class 9
Dreams in Motion™
This module we will finally be asking the question of what do you dare to dream. Without developing the ability to engage in the previous processes most people fail at creating their lives on purpose. In this module we will dare to dream big and create your Dreams in Motion.
Sign up today
Limited Space available
Online Webinar Program Inner Architect Basic:
How to create the life you want on purpose, Guaranteed!